Saturday, February 21, 2009

Here a chick there a chick...

I am now living with my family of 6 and 16 baby chickens! Now we've really gone and done it! LOL We bought 12 layers to start and 4 for meat... we will go back for the rooster later this week. The children are so excited it is a little frightening.

They have to stay inside under a heat lamp for the first 2-3 weeks and then we will be able to move them out to the hen house. That also gives us a couple weekends to build a "coop" area next to the hen house for the feeders. YEE HAW!!!


Tam said...

Oh, they are so cute! My cousin has chickens and they LOVE them! Their girls just love having them around. My daughter would love to see the baby chicks...I'll have to show her the pics. Be sure to let us know how it goes!

Unknown said...

I love this picture! They are so cute!
I must say, you are very brave though to raise a few for meat. I just couldn't do it, then again...I am not a country girl and I own not one pair of Cowgirl boots! :)

Unknown said...

Amy Don't get a rooster. They ate too aggressive and you will always be looking for spotted eggs The other Dad

Olson Family said...

So, I'm debating on whether to share your blog with my children or not. You see, my children recently informed me that we really, really need a RANCH! With horses, chickens, goats, "maybe some sheep," dogs, cats, and a couple of cows ["but not to eat, so maybe we don't want cows," Eli says thoughtfully, "I mean, what would we do with them?"]. ...well, I thought to myself, and what, exactly, were we going to do with the other animals? Anyway, they've used such exuberance in this little dream/vision that I've felt myself edge toward that line of momma guilt that tells me I've fallen short in parenthood by not providing them with this "ranch" experience. So, I applaud you, Amy!!! You're such a great mom!!!!! Way to teach your children to live the moment! Carpe Diem, Friend!