Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Double Dog Dare You...
I am going to take the easy way out this first time and post our Christmas letter from this year. If you didn't receive a card from us... and most of you didn't... then here is the year in a nutshell. Our economy (money to bill ratio) has not been so hot as of late and so if you didn't get a card in the mail... it most likely wasn't because I don't like you anymore (there is that chance I suppose but for most of you this is not the case) it is just because I am poor (or as one of my friends puts it... I chose to spend my money another way... LOL)
~ Merry Christmas 2009 ~
If you remember, we last left off (nearing Christmas 2008) with the announcement we had moved to the community of Elk Washington. We moved up just in time for the hardest winter in a half century. It wasn't long before we realized that they make four wheel drive vehicles for a reason! After the first , of what would become many rescues by our wonderful neighbor, (Ryan, we could not have done it without you) we traded in our trendy city cars for something a little more country friendly. Christmas morning we awoke to a river of snow sliding off our roof, that literally wiped out the deck railing... that is when we learned what a roof rake is... oops! The sledding on our driveway was amazing! We parked the cars at the top with the brights on and went all night! Funny thing though... it makes it really hard to drive up after you smooth it down with sleds like that... whole different kind of sledding for Ben trying to go to work and back in the morning!
After the snow melted it was time to get to work... with the help of well, just about anyone we could con into coming up here, we made some major progress. We have cleared the area around the house fairly well now and are deciding what to do with it all. The hen house is now full and producing about ten eggs a day, (now I know why there is a whole section for eggs in the Better Homes and Gardens cook book! ) although we lost poor rooster George to the coyotes. We were going to build one of those super cute chicken coops that look like an old Victorian house... but did you know that chickens absolutely reek? Yup, not putting that sort of work into something that smells that bad. Funny there wasn't a scratch and sniff sticker in the Country Living Magazine article! The eggs are great though, so they're here to stay!
We tried our hand at gardening and got just enough to really know what grows well and how to plant better this year. Amy joined the Elk Homemakers Club and one of the ladies (thanks Miss Evelyn) taught her how to can... AMAZING!!! It's not as hard as we had heard and so, so, so much fun! The greenhouse is in and so with an early start, well planned garden and the new found love of canning... it's official... Amy has her eye on the country fair! The kids are hoping to get a goat for 4H this spring (which ought to go well with the hens, bunny, dog and cat that already call this home... don't get too scared, they are all outdoors except for the dog and that's only at night, no matter how much the kids beg)... oye!
Let's see, that takes us to fall... hunting season! BJ got his first deer this year and Ben has major venison envy! With the help of some good seasoned hunters we all learned the art of skinning (thank you Bert) and butchering (the "Frailey Way" thanks to Richard). We have started to make friends and the folks at Peaceful Valley Church sure have been good to us. The pace of life is much slower here and the people are so kind and full of love for their families and ours. We are so glad we made the leap of faith and followed our dream.
So, just so we're clear... log cabin, hens a laying, homeschooled children, bunny, stray cat (that we feed, so I guess she's ours), guard dog, four wheel drive, cowboy hats, belt buckles and mamma's good shoes are her boots, it's official... The Kaeding Family has GONE COUNTRY!
Yee Haw and a Very Merry Christmas to y'all Love, Ben, Amy, BJ, Raven, Trinity and Jedidiah
(said with deep southern drawl)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Due to a series of very unfortunate events I will no longer be accepting anonymous comments on my blog. If you are unwilling to own your words... you may keep them to yourself.
Monday, November 2, 2009
It doesn't grow in celephane packages...
My oldest son BJ (13)got his first deer this year. He shot it from his bedroom window on our property in Elk! I am proud to say (although I had to have it explained to me why I should be proud) that he shot it clean, with one shot and less than two inches from the heart. Then things got complicated...
After 3 days hanging skinless from the tree outside my bedroom window (I spared you these shots... you can thank me later) our friend Rich came over and taught us all a fabulous class on butchering a deer... the "Frailey Way"... which we have been assured is the best way!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Fading Family...
At some point all the things that were supposed to hold us together... tore us apart. I look at this photo taken in front of the house I lived in until I married and moved out. Their faces are fading out of the photo but are crisp and clear in my mind. I miss them so much. I miss what could have been and what could still be but... it would take a miracle. Oddly enough the one who lives the farthest away is the one I have the closest relationship with, while the one physically the closest has chosen to no longer speak to me or my parents.
My mother's birthday is this week as well as my daughter's. My father turns 70 this year. So much missed time together. So many memories not made. I wonder how much time they think they have. I wonder what they will do when they realize they can't get it back. How many people will they loose and not think of the ones still here... longing for them. Loving them... I do not understand.
I know so many who no longer have that choice. They can do nothing to have one more Christmas, birthday, day or moment. We have the chance for all... and they slip through the hands like the tears falling from my mothers eyes as she touches their pictures and tries not to let the memories fade.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
What if it wasn't true...
If you feel like I am being perhaps a bit vague... I am. A lifetime of lies, pain, secrets, and fear are a bit much to explain in a blog post... go figure... but know this... Jesus is enough, did enough, paid enough... even for me.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Change of season...
Did you know that the color of the leaves in the fall is their true color? The green we see the rest of the time is the photosynthesis required for growth. It is not until they have reached their full potential and yet before they fly from the life giving tree that their true beauty, that has been there all the while can truly be seen. I know what others see as they look at me on the days when I must do and be all the things I need to, for my family to be successful, and I know that is not all there is to me. God has filled me with passion and joy that can at times be hidden or harder to see... but it is never really gone. In my transparent moments with those close to my heart all that color shines through.
I want my children to understand that they may look just like so many other people on the outside, that at times they may feel plain and unimportant, but they have already been painted by the master into a beautiful vibrant person. Someday that will be obvious to everyone who looks at them... but you have to do a lot of growing to get there and you have to stay connected to the source of all life while you do it. I never thought I would learn such a valuable lesson from Cindy Lauper and yet... if only we can see our true colors shining through.
She's our dog now!...
Well Beautiful... you're our dog now!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Where did that come from...?
The kids are getting ready to start this new partnership school (like the one from before just closer to home) and they have two campuses... so we drove up to check out the second one this morning. Here we are driving by old dilapidated houses and "ghost town" is all I could call the string of three store fronts on the main street and out of NOWHERE... we see this!
All the doors are really thick solid wood and they are gorgeous!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Congratulations are in order...
The big surprise of the day was that the first lady I really got to talking to turned out to be the mother of one of my dearest friends of my heart. She and her family are living in Germany now and it was hilarious to me that I had to go the basement of the local VFW on a random Tuesday to meet her mother for the first time but hey, considering my socially checkered past... not all that strange or unusual LOL! I love you Sharon and I adore your mom! I told her I am the Amy you wished you could have taken to Ireland with you! She wanted me to tell you that she is having trouble with her connection (Ben gave her some tips that will hopefully fix it) and she loves you (yes, even after spending an afternoon with me LOL).
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The sun sets on summer...
The fog hung in the valley trees this morning and we had a light frost in the garden... summer alas is drawing to a close. I finished registering the kids in their enrichment classes this morning and had to write a "what we did this summer that was educational" summery and it made me realize that it was time to get back to blogging.
I absolutely love my dinning room table. It is actually two put together and they both have leaves that tuck down into it. It is Mango wood (really heavy) and has a vintage finish that is fire engine red underneath the black so as it wears it will show red through... very cool.
(you can look back if you want to... Nov. 08)
And so, the sun sets on our first summer here. We have had company nearly all summer long and every visitor has plotted out where they want to build their cabin. I think that means they like it here! We are learning more every day and as scary as it can be (don't even get me started on the bats... oye) it is so well worth it and we wouldn't change a thing!
(yup, this was taken from our back deck this week... yeah, I know....)
Friday, July 31, 2009
Sou Chef in the house!
This is my beautiful niece Alexys! She has decided to go to culinary school and is having so much fun learning to cook! She is up from SoCal to visit and is practicing on us and we are loving it!
This is her first "watermelon" salad and I think she did an awesome job... and she has decided that melon balls are not as easy as they look... LOL
We went out for dinner...
We went outside for dinner that is... These are the first pickings from the garden!!! We were able to make our salad for dinner from the bounty of our very own garden last night and we are pretty excited about it!
Lettuce, green beans, purple green beans, red and white radishes, sugar snap peas...
Ta Da!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hay... that's cute!
No, I can't spell but that is actually not the problem today. LOL We woke up to a field covered in hay bails this weekend. A neighbor asked if he could hay our field and since we have no tractor and it becomes a fire hazard if you don't harvest it we gladly accepted! They look so cute... like little packages all over the field!
My little farmer Ben could not have looked any cuter sitting on a hay bail in his Cartharts... adorable... absolutely adorable! As if living in a John Deere add weren't cool enough... he has to go be that cute. I am so blessed!
I know everyone (ok, not everyone... but a lot of you! LOL) thought that we would be miserable out here but we love it. I cannot tell you how nice it is to see the sunset over the mountains, sit out under the stars, make brownies with the eggs you just got out of the chicken coop 5 min. ago or having to close the window in the evening because the crickets are so loud instead of the neighbors next door fighting again. You just get to see so much more of God here. There is more of his handiwork than man's everywhere you look and I am so grateful everyday that we get to live here.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
That's one crazy ex-girlfriend...
My friend Leslie and I saw Miranda Lambert out at the Coeur d'Alene Casino last night and it was fabulous. This was her Crazy Ex-Girlfriend tour and her new album drops next month. I am a HUGE fan and so this was seriously a lot of fun for me!
She sang almost all of my favorites but Desperation was the best one for me! Then we got a chance to meet her in person... yes, I know... fabulous! I got my ticket signed and she signed Leslie's Wildhorse T-shirt!
We got a chance to talk to her for a quick minute. I was shocked. I have heard of people getting to do that after the show but I have never been one of them. Maybe because it was a smaller venue? I don't know why I am just happy! The shot is not the best but we were outside... at night... what are you gonna do... well, besides know how to use your camera better... LOL!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Stairway to heaven....
Just kidding... well, for us it's the stairway to heaven... does that count! In case you are thinking about buying one (as the song goes) it was about $60 (I know I always thought it would cost more too! LOL).
When we moved in this was the main entrance and we have decided to switch to using the door on the right and so...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Feeling opinionated...
It's been awhile since I took the time to really write something other than an update. My life has been like a box of chocolates lately. I have been neck deep in espionage, infidelity, financial difficulty, unexpected loss, and deep grief. All that, before we even start thinking about what has been going on in my personal life (LOL). I have learned some things lately about myself so as I usually do... I'm gonna share!
Being a child of God isn't easy. There are so many challenges along the way that can make you feel like you are failing. A friend reminded me tonight of how easily we are led to believe that we are hopeless. How easy it is to invite into our lives a spirit of darkness. I have struggled personally with the pain that comes when you are a house divided against your own will. It may very well be a heavy topic for some of you but here it is, the good, the bad and the ugly. There is a spiritual battle for our hearts and our souls. Never overestimate the power of your enemy but never underestimate it either. Jesus died that we might have life to the fullest. Jesus died that we might have freedom. Let not that be in vain.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Why do we buy toys?
Friday, June 26, 2009
Ummm... Has anyone ever seen this before?!
Remember the "giant" egg from my last post? If you don't, go look now... I'll wait.... do do do do do do do do do do do do dododododo... Ok, we broke it open this morning and although we were not sure what we would find... we did not expect this!
There was another egg inside it!!!
The egg you see in the pan is the one from inside the giant egg and then the little one was in with it.
The second egg was perfect. Good solid shell and cute little egg white and yoke! Babies makin' babies people! What?, you had to know I was gonna say that! LOL
Monday, June 22, 2009
Lessons from Sesame Street...
Do you remember the game on Sesame Street?
One of these things is doing it's own thing... one of these things just doesn't belong...
We were also able to get about a quarter of our garden in this weekend. I think I will revise my plan for next year but for now we have corn, snap peas, tomatoes, green beans, cabbage, lettuce, yellow squash, peppers, radishes, broccoli, carrots, watermelon, strawberries, cantaloupe, raspberries and blueberries. By growing a small amount of each this year I hope to find the ones that will do well on a larger scale next year. The berries of course are perennial but on all the others I wanted to see before I go overboard on something that isn't going to grow well.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me....
My birthday present arrived today! I have a brand new fabulous greenhouse to play with! The process of getting it off the truck was not so easy but all of us pitched in to help the poor man (yes, one man... what were they thinking?) who came to deliver it. The important thing is that it is here and has made it safely to it's new residence next to my garden.
completely spoiled and blessed beyond all understanding
Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Our first egg!
We found our very first egg in the hen house today! The shell was perfect and lightly speckled brown. After having been told that it might take up to a year for them to start laying this was an awesome surprise after only a few months.
I drove home from Seattle today with my friends three girls and they will be staying with us for a bit. This is their first time here at our new house and it has been so cute watching them discover all the country life stuff!
Then they all sat down to watch their first sunset hear together (a big deal around here at the Kaeding's) and I could not pass up the photo op!
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